Originally by kip from [https://www.facebook.com/TrollpastaPolska/posts/412628618844640?comment_id=2352245&offset=0&total_comments=4¬if_t=share_reply Trollpasta Polska on Facebook], translated by Kubi718
Hello people... for the first and the last time. I have to warn you about... something. I can't stand it anymore. It FORCED me to write this... Sorry...
One Saturday morning I got an email, with a link. I was rushing to work, so I didn't open it. At work something tempted me to open that link, but I couldn't, the boss would fire me for not doing my work. After work I quickly went home and opened that link. That number 666, it kept bugging me all that time. The page loaded. What I saw there completely changed my life. Words cannot describe this... I got scared and went to bed. I couldn't sleep. I kept hearing some noises... I somehow managed to fall asleep however. When I woke up, I didn't know where I was. I was in a weird white room. In front of me was a telephone and a piece of paper that had "pass it on" written on it with that fucking link below. I'm sorry, but I have to...